The Awards Committee will consist of no fewer than three (3) and no more than seven (7) members, with regional representation, representing all membership levels, who will be appointed for staggered three-year terms. Whenever possible, previous Award winners will be asked to serve on the committee. Its function is to select the recipients of the awards in the following categories: Outstanding Social Studies Classroom Teacher Awards for the elementary, middle school and high school levels, Susan Wasserman Young Professional Memorial Award, Distinguished Educator, John Roy Continuing Service Awards, and the Benita Jaworsky Outstanding College Educator Memorial Award. These awards will be given on the basis of statewide nominations. It may also award a Special Service Award for service to NYSCSS. Nominations for this award are recommended by any member of the Board of Directors. Duties of the Awards Committee include:
Chair: Laura Mecca-Retzlaff,
For more information on NYSCSS Awards, please contact Laura Mecca-Retzlaff
Click here to read about the new nomination process and nominate an outstanding Social Studies educator!
Copyright New York State Council for the Social Studies