AKS Thesis Grant
The AKS Thesis Grant was designed to promote interests in Korean studies among international students and to give them momentum to further enhance their research in the field. We look forward to receiving many qualified research papers or theses.
1. Eligibility of Applicant
Qualifications |
Nationality |
Applicants must meet one of the following conditions :
① Both the applicant and his/her parents are foreign nationals.
② The applicant, either a foreign national or a Korean national who obtained permanent residency in a foreign country or who resides overseas, has completed education outside of Korea which is compatible with Korea's elementary, middle, high school and college education.
Residence |
Applicants must reside in a foreign country outside of Korea at the time of application. |
Educational Background |
Applicants must be currently enrolled in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree program in the field of Korean studies at an overseas university. |
2. Subject & Length of Thesis
A. The paper should be an unpublished original work in any field of Korean studies.
B. The thesis should be written in Korean or in English.
C. When written in Korean, the paper should normally be no more than 20,000 letters (including spaces) in length, while in English, no more than 6,000 words.
3. Prize
Prize |
Number of Winners Sought |
Prize Money |
Remarks |
First Prize |
○ |
KRW3,000,000 |
Second Prize |
○ |
KRW1,000,000 |
4. Schedule
A. Submission Deadline : 6:00PM 30th September 2013
B. The selection result will be announced in mid-November, and the prize money will be wired in early December.
5. Required Documents
A. Application Form (Prescribed form downloadable at www.aks.ac.kr)
B. Thesis and its abstract
C. Certificate of Enrollment
◦ It should be an original copy.
◦ If the document is written in a language other than Korean or English, it must be translated into and then notarized either in Korean or in English.
D. A Letter of Recommendation
◦ The recommender must be either an applicant's academic advisor or dean of the department in his/her undergraduate/graduate school.
◦ The letter must be written in Korean or in English.
◦ The recommender is advised to comment on the thesis to be submitted as well as the applicant's academic performance and potential.
◦ After completing the letter, the recommender must seal the envelope and sign across the envelope seal.
◦ The letter of recommendation should be sent by post either directly from the recommender to the Director of Academic and Student Affairs at GSKS, or being included in the application package.
E. A copy of the first two pages of the applicant's passport
6. Submission Guideline
◦ Send the required documents (soft copies or scanned documents) via email to nylee@aks.ac.kr except a recommendation letter, which should be sent by post along with the original copy of the certificate of enrollment to the following address no later than 30 September :
Office of Academic & Student Affairs
The Graduate School of Korean Studies
The Academy of Korean Studies
323 Haogaero Bundang-gu Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do
Republic of Korea (Postcode: 463-791)
7. Notes
A. The prize money will be wired to the bank accounts of successful applicants.
B. Any costs incurred when transferring the money will be at the applicant's expense.
C. Plagiarism or any kind of breach of research ethic may result in cancellation of the prize and the redemption of the prize money.
8. Contact Us
◦ Tel : +82-31-709-8111(Ext 214), +82-31-708-5310
◦ Fax : +82-31-709-9946