Living History: Hands-on Social Studies How to Bring the Common Core Standards Alive
The New York State Education Department is implementing the new Common Core Standards through aligning assessments beginning in 2012-2013. Teachers must adapt to the New Common Core Standards for Social Studies, but how can the CCS be brought alive? During this course teachers will be shown how to incorporate hands-on strategies to make lessons come alive. Course instruction will include various living history strategies and activities to develop CCS based lessons for students. Participants will be able to draw on Living History techniques while implementing Data Driven Instruction to meet the challenges of Evidence Based Observation. Utilizing the Historic Van Wyck Homestead, participants will be authentically uniformed and equipped as they learn the basics of a soldier’s life during this full immersion into the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
Target Audience: Regular and special education teachers, grades K-12, social studies, science, ELA, art, music, technology teachers
Presenters: Neil Murray, Chris DiPasquale, Living History instructors
Dates: Wednesday, July 31, 8:00 am –4:00 pm to Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:00 am –3:00 pm
Location: Van Wyck Homestead
Credit: In-service credit based on district policy
Fee: $150 includes site fees. Registration is required by June 12, 2013.
This course is offered through a collaboration with The Hudson River Teacher Center, The Living History Education Foundation, and PNW BOCES.