Thank you for your interest in the New York State Council for the Social Studies 87th Annual Convention: Start a Revolution! The 2025 NYSCSS Convention will take place from March 6-8, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza Albany-The Desmond Hotel.
Membership is required to attend the Convention. Non-member registration includes NYSCSS membership for one (1) calendar year. One annual convention per yearly membership rate. Please click here to learn about our various membership options.
Convention registration includes breakfast and lunch on Thursday and Friday and a continental breakfast on Saturday. We will be sponsoring two social events this year with separate registration that will open by January:
- Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:30-5:30, Awards Ceremony, $15.00 ticket.
- Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00-6:00 pm, Trivia Contest and Networking Reception. Please consult the convention schedule for a more detailed description of the Friday, March 7th event.
Registering for the Convention:
Registering with your district (through MyLearningPlan or another registration system) is NOT registering with NYSCSS. You must complete convention registration through our registration and payment portal. Please do not delay in processing the proper paperwork with your district.
Deadlines are firm as the NYSCSS is responsible for guaranteed meal counts with the Crowne Plaza Albany - The Desmond Hotel.
Presenting at the convention? All presenters must be registered and paid (by credit card or purchase order) by Friday, January 31, 2025. Unpaid presenters will not be able to present their respective session(s).
Please be patient after clicking "Next" on each page of the registration form. New pages may take time to load. Do not hit "refresh" or your information may be lost.
Payment Options:
Payment by Credit Card:
All credit card payments can be made online through our PayPal link using a bank account transaction, debit card, or credit card. When the transaction is completed, you will receive an email invoice confirming payment. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to use this option. Please scroll to the bottom of the page (on the PayPal link/page) to input your chosen credit or debit card.
If your registration costs are being paid by a school or organization with a credit or debit card, each individual's registration must be entered separately. This will need to be done by the person registering as they will use their own account settings and password. If you elect or are required to have district personnel access your personal NYSCSS account (for current NYSCSS members only), we suggest you change your member password before and after such payment.
Credit card payments for convention registration will be accepted until 9:00 PM on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Payment by Purchase Order:
Purchase orders: A purchase order is a document that encumbers funds from your school district's specified budget lines. It is a promise to pay. If you are planning to pay with a purchase order at the time of registration, please select “purchase order.” You will receive an auto-generated invoice that is your invoice to submit to your district. You (not NYSCSS) need to submit this invoice with your registration information to your district. You will need to click that you agree with this process. If you do not submit the invoice with your registration, you will delay the processing of the registration and payment. Your registration may not be paid prior to the convention. You must check with the appropriate school/district staffer to confirm that the invoice has been processed to create the purchase order and subsequent payment to NYSCSS before you come to the convention. NYSCSS reserves the right to refuse entry to you at the convention without this confirmation of payment.
If the convention is held, purchase orders cannot be unilaterally cancelled by the registrant or district staffer. Districts are responsible for paying their purchase orders and will be pursued up to central office administration.
If your school or organization is paying by check or purchase order, please make certain that the names of all attendees being paid for and the corresponding invoice number are clearly entered on all documents accompanying the mailed check or purchase order. A school or organization's contact person (with phone and email address) should be identified on the purchase order.
District staff - Please note that you must check the NYSCSS address in WinCap or respective district management systems and make sure all OLD NYSCSS mailing addresses are removed from WinCap.
PAYMENT: School district purchase orders for convention registration must be received either by mail or email no later than Wednesday, February 26, 2025 9:00 PM.
Please note:
NO refunds will be issued for any costs after Wednesday, February 19, 2025 including weather related issues unless the entire convention is cancelled by NYSCSS personnel. Written notification via email of your cancellation must be received by Wednesday, February 19, 2025 by Tim Potts, treasurer@nyscss.org
If the annual convention pivots to an online event in any capacity no reimbursements will be made. Notification will be posted on the NYSCSS website.
Attention New York City Department of Education Teachers we are no longer accepting purchase orders from the NYCDOE. You must pay by NYCDOE credit card.
If using standard mail please send your purchase orders, district check, or personal check to this exact address by mail:
New York State Council for the Social Studies
c/o Tim Potts-Treasurer
P.O. Box 921
Monticello, NY 12701
Purchase orders may be emailed to: treasurer@nyscss.org - attention Tim Potts.
For any questions about payment, please contact NYSCSS Treasurer Tim Potts at treasurer@nyscss.org . Please note the NYSCSS does not have full-time staff so it may take 24-48 hours for a response.