2nd Annual Global Citizens Conference
10 Nov 2011
Adam's Mark Hotel, Buffalo, NY
The conference provides in-depth insights on global education and is a great opportunity to learn how you, your students, and your school community can become more active in global learning. More information is below and in the attached flyer.
click here for flyer
November 10, 2011
Adam’s Mark Hotel, Buffalo
9:15-5:30 (registration opens at 8:15)
Cost: $59, includes continental breakfast; international lunch buffet; 8 workshop sessions; and terrific entertainment
The Global Citizens Conference promotes global understanding, literacy and social responsibility among students, school staff and leadership, parents and communities. We know there are many varied partnerships, exchanges, and other learning activities taking place in 2011. Our purpose is to:
1. facilitate the exchange of those ideas and activities among all school constituencies and communities in the region, and
2. to engage all parties in conversation to expand their awareness and to take action.
There are two major themes within this mission. One is
social justice and social responsibility,
especially as they relate to human rights and genocide issues. The other is
educational and cultural understanding
, which includes a variety of activities among people and schools here and around the world relative to education, culture, business/technology, government and human rights.
A full day of 8 different workshop sessions and discussion featuring speakers and organizations working to affect global cooperation and change on topics such as:
* Women in the Global Landscape
* Web Censorship and Global Education
* Sustainable Communities through Micro-Development
* Chinese Bridge for American Schools TripundefinedPanel
* Pre-Service Training and Professional Development
* Engaging Asia in the Classroom and Beyond
* International Justice and Humanitarian Needs
* North of 49”: Film Screening and Exploring Religious Tensions in Rural Areas
Registration forms will be available soon.
For more information, please contact co-chairs Dr. Mark Crawford @ 716-677-3101 or Jeff Rabey @ 716-686-2251.
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