Registration deadline:
Feb. 8, 2011 or until
program is full.
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To Be Mailed
Mark Your Calendar for February 10, 2011!
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The Study Council at Syracuse University and the School of Education
Invite all teachers, especially Social Studies and English Language Arts, to participate in this special seminar
Working with teachers on the pedagogy for
Teaching About Genocide
Samuel Totten
Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Arkansas; Co-founding editor, Genocide Studies and Prevention:
International Journal (University of Toronto Press); co-editor, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies
(Centre for Conflict Management, National University of Rwanda) and acclaimed for body of work on how to teach
about the Holocaust and genocide.
The New York State Learning Standards and legislation passed in 1994 direct the Regents to prescribe
courses of instruction in patriotism (and) citizenship and human rights issues, with particular attention to
the study of the inhumanity of genocide, slavery, and the Holocaust in all New York State schools. In the
seminar “Teaching About Genocide”, Professor Totten will focus on the recent time he spent in the Nuba Mountains
in Sudan conducting a series of interviews with refugees from Darfur and examining the genocide perpetrated in the
Nuba Mountains in the early 1990’s. For the past five years, he has been a regular visitor to that country and
served as a Fulbright Scholar at the Centre for Conflict Management at the National University of Rwanda in 2008.
Based on his six years of research in Sudan, Prager Press will soon publish his two volume book, The Oral and
Documentary History of the Darfur Genocide. This spring Rutgers University Press will publish, We Cannot Forget:
Interviews with Survivors of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide. The research on genocide for both books will be shared
to address the best ways to pedagogically and pragmatically examine this history “in an accurate and thorough
fashion within the context of secondary school classrooms”. Hearing first-hand accounts from a well recognized
scholar of this recent history and history in the making as the world awaits the results and consequences of the
2011 Southern Sudanese Independence Referendum will provide invaluable insights and knowledge for secondary
classrooms. Please join us on February 10 to hear and learn more from Professor Samuel Totten.
Registration for Teacher Training Workshop: Teaching About Genocide
Register for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and/or a Professional Certificate in Holocaust and Genocide Education at the seminar.
(Nominal, non-refundable fee of $20 per participant includes workshop, program materials, light refreshments and parking)
February 10, 2011 3:30-7:30 p.m. The Winnick Center, SU Campus
School District: Email:
Please fax registrations (315-443-5845) or mail registration and/or payment to:
The Study Council at Syracuse University, 250 Huntington Hall Syracuse, NY 13244
Questions? Please call 315-443-4696 or email studyc@syr.edu